Archive for May, 2000

When I see Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band for sale at a used CD store, I automatically assume that the original owner died.

Ink on Paper • 9″x12″ • Private Collection

Four fellas dressed to the nines.

Ink & Colored Pencil on Paper • 6″x7″ • Private Collection

My homage to everyone’s favorite starving artist.

Acrylic on Wood • 18″x24″ • Private Collection

The definition of foreshadowing: “… and for dessert, coconut cream pies.”

Oprah Winfrey is a mass-marketing, brain-washing, product-selling machine. The only reason I really know she’s not a robot built by the network and unleashed on unsuspecting consumers is because her weight fluctuates so much.

Acrylic on Canvas • 9″x12″ • Private Collection

“I never practice, I always play.”
– Wanda Landowska

Acrylic & Oil Stick on Canvas • 41″x50″ • Private Collection

My intention here was to create an image of a flower that was commanding, bold and impactful, maybe even a little intimidating.