Archive for August, 2001

Ink on Paper • 9″x12″ • Private Collection

Enjoy Spherism! All of the fun and excitement of cubism without the pesky sides and corners.

Acrylic on Paper • 12″x18″ • Private Collection

All of these works were created by squirting black acrylic paint out of an Elmer’s Glue bottle. The technique allows me to work VERY quickly because there’s absolutely no drag.

When you stumble while walking in a public place, don’t look down as if it were the ground’s fault. It’s high time we all start taking some responsibility for ourselves.

Acrylic on Canvas • 11″x14″ • Private Collection

To create this piece, I first painted the entire canvas black. Then I went back and blocked in shapes of color, essentially leaving the outlines as opposed to actually painting them.