Archive for April, 2002

Colored Pencil on Cardboard • 7″x9″ • Private Collection

A series of drawings titled, “Day at the Beach.” This collection showcases a variety of beach-related leisure activities performed in unbecoming swim wear.

Buying furniture from IKEA is equivalent to ordering a meal at a restaurant and having the waiter dump the ingredients on your table along with a three page recipe.

Colored Pencil on Cardboard • 1.5″x2″ • Private Collection

These wallet-sized dynamos are perfect for the sophisticated art connoisseur on the go.

Show me an animated Disney movie released in the last 10 years and I’ll show you a plot line revolving around an unlikely romance.

I hope the Mermaid and the Prince can overcome their differences and live happily ever after, I hope the beautiful young girl and the Beast can overcome their differences and live happily ever after, I hope the street urchin and the Princess can overcome their differences and live happily ever after BLAH BLAH BLAH.