Guests: Brian Seymour & Rich Kaufmann

Topics: Food Trucks, Facebook Faux Pas, Email Nudity, Cafe Press Junk, New Music Tuesday, Vinyl & Cassettes & 8-Tracks, “Kink Drink!”, Playing Music in China, Living in a Geodesic Dome, Touring in a Van and The Never-Ending Need to Rock!

Playlist: “Ruby,” “Speak to Me of Young Love” (live), “Coffee Song” (live) and “Every Tomorrow” all by Brian Seymour.

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Peek-sneakers, behold two colossal canvases slated for an October 6th unveiling.

The Wig Party

On the third Tuesday of every month, Team UsedWigs congregates at Philadelphia’s #1 second story cabaret, L’Etage, to record a new episode of our award-deserving podcast, in front of a you-filled audience. Count on savory crepes, unsavory conversation, captivating guests and intoxicating  beer. Admission is free, like this great country.

3rd Tuesday of Every Month, 8:00-10:00PM
624 S. 6th St. Philadelphia, PA

Please consider showing your support for the arts in education by attending this exciting event. I’ll be your best friend.

The event highlights the work of LMSD’s talented art faculty and serves as the official opening of the District’s newly-renovated administration building. The building, an historic landmark noted for its classic art deco design, will be transformed into a gallery featuring selections of original work from art teachers of all levels. Blake Bradford, a 1988 graduate of Harriton High School and current Director of Education at The Barnes Foundation will serve as show curator and special guest speaker.

Opening Reception: Thursday, October 6th, 7:00-9:00PM
LMSD Administration Building
301 E. Montgomery Ave. Ardmore, PA

Songbird, Jolie Holland, and I recently rapped about music, art, religion and Daniel Johnston at Philadelphia’s World Cafe Live. Listen in.

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More: Jolie Holland and Pint of Blood

Ink on Paper • 6’x2′ • Private Collection

These giant banners were custom created for kids to color at a local library fundraiser. They’re meant to illustrate the dangers of reading.

English Students Reenvisioning my Artwork

I teach my students about important European artists while important European students are taught about me. True but strange.

Thanks to Ms. Crook’s art classes for giving some of my faces a block print facelift.

Computer Embellished Painting

Here’s a sneak glimpse of an upcoming line of hand-screened cruisers designed for Formation Skateboards. The overall graphic is based on the fan favorite from 2010’s Custom Cruiser show at Exit Skateshop. The chest hair is loosely based on my own.

Computer Embellished Drawing

Props to Philadelphia’s greatest professional baseball team, featuring the uniform they wore the last time I could name more than three of them.

Guests: Kelly Vrooman & SM Shrake

Topics: Novelty Sleeping Bags, Bad Camping Tips, Children’s TV Hosts’ Clothes, Comedy Improv, Puppet Hands, Junk Drawers, Story Telling, Barbra Streisand, Washington D.C. Etiquette, Adam West, Eyebrow Plucking, Joke Thieves, David Bowie’s Patented Brush Off Technique and More

Playlist: “Philadelphia (The City of Brotherly Love)” by We Are Augustines and “Bobby” by Butcher The Bar

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