In 2007, Hanna Williams was one of my most talented middle school art students. In 2010, she’s one of my most talented collaborators. We’ve joined forces to create a series of conjoined paintings, join us and enjoy.

Friday, June 4th, 7:00 – 10:00 PM
MilkBoy Coffee Acoustic
824 W. Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, PA

“Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master.” – Leonardo da Vinci

I’m one of 80 artists participating in Exit Skateshop’s annual decktacular. Be one of 800 hipsters attending the opening reception.

Friday, May 7th, 6:00 – 11:00 PM
Exit Skateshop
825 N. 2nd St. Philadelphia, PA

Quicksilver • New York City

Marroneified Formation skateboard decks are now available at Quicksilver’s flagship retail store in Times Square. If we can make it there, we’ll make it anywhere.

Computer Embellished Drawing

Mythology, Judiasm, percussion and soccer collide in this recent Bar Mitzvah T-shirt design. It’s a mazel tov cocktail.

Bundle of Joy & Chores

Name: Matilda Hall Marrone
Birthday: 4/23/10
Weight: 7 lbs. 3 oz.
Length: 19″
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Acrylic & Paint Marker on Cast • Private Appendage

Some people can’t afford original artwork because they’re broke. Some people get original artwork because they broke.

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“Are violent sports, games and movies a cause of increased violence or a healthy outlet?”

Comment or I’ll kill you.

Acrylic & Paint Marker on Snare Drum • Private Collection

This drum is tough to beat. <Rimshot>

The Doggone Girl is Mine

UsedWigs Radio Podcast 73 is an iceskating, bun-baking, polarizing music and little person sundae with a Julia Brown interview cherry on the top.

Photo by Tiffany Yoon

If you weren’t able to attend last weekend’s UsedWigs Live ’10, check out the show intro, then print out all of these photos and make a flip book. It’s better than living your life in regret.