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Acrylic & Oil Stick on Masonite • Various Sizes • Private Collection

This gaggle of glamorous gals was custom created for Sparkle, a private New York City art show and auction.

Spring Cleaning

Based on the popular descending auction unveiled at last year’s “One Night Stand“, I’m liquidating my artventory during a three week show at Casciano Coffee Bar & Sweetery.

A May 8th reception, including live art and music, kicks off the show. Framed paintings and large works on canvas will begin with a price tag of $600. Every four days, the prices will be cut in half. As the month ripens, the work will be less expensive and less likely to be available.

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Acrylic on Skateboard • Donated to Charity

I recently stumbled across this quartet of 3-year-old photos featuring my artistic contribution to the Patrick Kerr skateboard scholarship. During the “Skate to School” event, dozens of decks were adorned, appreciated and auctioned in the name of the fallen boarder.

Guess which one I painted.