Eric Campbell • Narberth-Bala Cynwyd Patch • February, 2012

When Todd Marrone isn’t teaching, he’s painting. When he’s not painting, he’s writing. When he’s not writing, he’s on a podcast. And no matter what he’s doing, he’s tweeting:

  • “Chinese handing stars are safer, but you still have to know what you’re doing.”
  • “There has to be an easier way to learn about dinosaurs than having kids.”
  • “Look, @CourteneyCox just joined Twitter. She’s going to ruin it just like she did when she climbed on stage during Dancing in the Dark.”
  • “Breathe Wrong® nasal strips are just clothes pins. Save your money.”

Marrone, 37, an art teacher for 15 years and a Belmont Hills father of two, has entertained a variety of interests and media since he was young. (more…)