Computer Embellished Drawing

Joy to the web.

Topics: Advent Calendars, Holiday Parties, The Biggest Sammy Hagar Fan in The World, Joe Walsh, Favorite and Least Favorite Christmas Songs, Rather Have a Human Virus or Computer Virus?, Russ’s Moccasins, Anyone Can Play Bass, Shopping with Golems, Robert DeNiro, SNL, The Camera Work of Lawrence Welk, Story Slam in Philly and Crepes!


  • “Wasn’t Bing Crosby racist? Yes, his song was originally called ‘White Power Christmas’”
  • “How many hours would it take me to learn bass?”

Playlist: Summer Camp, Freebass, Slow Club and Duvall

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Favorite collab-bro-lator, Bevan McShea, and I are geared up for a sugarplum-flavored installment of Jazz Tactics. Join us for a night full of live art, music and Christmas wedgies.

Saturday, December 18th, 7:30 – 10:00 PM
MilkBoy Main Stage
2 E. Lancaster Ave. Ardmore, PA

Used Wigs Radio
8 Podders Podding

UsedWigs Radio’s Hoilday Podfest has something for every creed, faith and species. It’s the gift that keeps on being regifted.

Holiday Leftovers
Seasoned Greetings

What does Podcast 56 have in common with holiday leftovers? They’re both small portions served a few days late. Listen in as Scott Shrake and Jim Gladstone join the UsedWigs Radio Team for the world’s shortest holiday spectacular.