Ink on Paper • Marathon Grill

There are few things I enjoy more than painting a mermessiah on a city street. Thanks to Emma Austin for the lovely snaps.

Paint on Folding Chairs • Private Collection

I dyed these chairs because Jesus died on the cross. Allegedly.

Paper Collage on Wood Panel • 8″x10″ • Private Collection


Computer Embellished Drawing

It’s Orphan Week at All of the images posted this week were designed for someone for something and ended up nowhere as nothing.

Lay your eye on this scrapped tee design for former pet project, Ghosticorn Apparel. In the land of the blind…

I Screen, You Screen
Ink on Paper • 9″x12″ • Private Collection

Behold the fruits of a recent screen printing course. Take a peek at my iPhotographic documentation of the week-long squeegeefest.

Ink & Crayon on Paper • 13″x10″ • Private Collection

“Marrone makes up the most marvelously mutated messiahs.”