Pass the Torch

I’m proud to announce an upcoming two-man show featuring the work of a very talented Lower Merion High School student, Emmett DeMuzio. Emmett and I will have artwork on display throughout the month of December at MilkBoy Coffee in Ardmore.

Join us on the evening of December 5th for a First Friday reception featuring live art and music.

Art and Soul
Computer Embellished Drawing • Donated to Charity

This soulful fella was cooked up for a Chicago-based charity organization, Art Therapy Connection. He’s poised to grace the fliers, posters and programs of an upcoming music and art benefit.

Apple has no problem with throwing the word genius around. At 55, founder Steve Jobs continues to be touted as a “boy genius”.  The Apple Store unapologetically bills a collection of four stools and a T-shirt clad techie, as the “Genius Bar”. Following form, this week Apple released version 8.0 of their flagship software application, iTunes, complete with its own built in “Genius”. Being an inhabitant of the venn diagram overlap between music geek and tech nerd, I was thrilled. (more…)