Acrylic on Paper • 30’x8′ • Free to a Good Home

In the fall of 2009, our pals at Primer Gallery hosted an art event titled Nightline. During the opening reception, I painted a GIANT paper mural. If you have a GIANT yearning for art and a GIANT empty wall but a tiny budget… drop me a line.

Jeff's Eye 2Jeff's Eye 3Jeff's Eye 4
Acrylic on Paper • Primer Gallery

It’s well documented that fellow UsedWigger, Jeff Lyons, has no sense of smell and only 34% of his hearing. He does, however, have a keen eye and a mild case of the shutter bug. Here are some Lyonized snapshots of last Friday’s Nightline event at Primer Gallery.

Primer Gallery

Celebrate First Friday with me… Hatboro-style, as I create a mural-sized line painting before your very eyes. Music, munchies and spirits will be on hand to attack (or dull) the remaining senses. Still not convinced? I’ll toss, hand, raffle, grant, distribute and give free paintings away all night long.

Friday, November 6th,  6:00 – 11:00ish PM (Performance 7:00 – 9:00ish PM)
Primer Gallery
15 Byberry Rd. Hatboro, PA