Computer Embellished Drawing

This tale-telling sign is a telltale sign of my admiration for First Person Arts.

Not only will I be telling a story at First Person Arts’ upcoming “Obsessed” StorySlam, I’m also hosting. This is a unique opportunity to be doubly disappointed in me.

Monday, August 13th, 8:30 – 10:30 PM
World Cafe Live
3025 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA

StorySlam at World Cafe Live

Here’s the story behind the art under people’s behinds.

StorySlam at World Cafe Live

Yesternight, I shared a story about sharing my art. Then, I shared my art by hiding it under the chairs in the audience. I’m like a slightly heavier Oprah.

StorySlam at L’Etage

There are storybook weddings and there are StorySlam weddings.

Sketchy Characters

Pal and colleague, Kevin Ginsberg, and I were recently art-mortalized by the fine folks of First Person Arts for our contributions to their bimonthly StorySlams. Our mugs, along with a dozen or so others, will grace the margins of Slam-related marketing materials.

Guests: Kelly Vrooman & SM Shrake

Topics: Novelty Sleeping Bags, Bad Camping Tips, Children’s TV Hosts’ Clothes, Comedy Improv, Puppet Hands, Junk Drawers, Story Telling, Barbra Streisand, Washington D.C. Etiquette, Adam West, Eyebrow Plucking, Joke Thieves, David Bowie’s Patented Brush Off Technique and More

Playlist: “Philadelphia (The City of Brotherly Love)” by We Are Augustines and “Bobby” by Butcher The Bar

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StorySlam at Venetian Social Club

A firsthand account of secondhand artichokes, told at my sixth First Person Arts event.

Summer Solstice at the Kimmel Center

You never forget your first hickey, even especially if it was given to you by a hot tub.

Colleague and pal, Kevin Ginsberg, cut his StorySlam teeth as well. Thanks to former student, Hahri Shin, for capturing our moments in the sun.

StorySlam Dunk at L’Etage

Everyone has a story about going to the bathroom in a holiday gift bag. Mine scored me first honors and fan favorite at a recent First Person Arts’ StorySlam at L’Etage.

Sincerest thanks to those who laughed with/at me.