Acrylic & Paint Marker on Retired Library Books • Private Collection

A few of the over 75 outdated, antiquated, library books that I’ve hand-embellished over the past two weeks. The works will be on display throughout June and July at MilkBoy Acoustic in Bryn Mawr, PA.

5 Responses to “Withdrawn”
  1. Anne Leuck Feldhaus says:

    You never cease to amaze….great work!

  2. gary sargent says:


  3. Victoria says:

    These are so cool – how do you even think of this stuff?!

  4. Dan Vaughn says:

    Todd, I want the one with three worms talking and one looking sad. How much, sir?

  5. Joira says:

    If you sometime think of visiting Brazil please let me know. I woul like to help to show your really great work somewhere here.