Topics: Advent Calendars, Holiday Parties, The Biggest Sammy Hagar Fan in The World, Joe Walsh, Favorite and Least Favorite Christmas Songs, Rather Have a Human Virus or Computer Virus?, Russ’s Moccasins, Anyone Can Play Bass, Shopping with Golems, Robert DeNiro, SNL, The Camera Work of Lawrence Welk, Story Slam in Philly and Crepes!


  • “Wasn’t Bing Crosby racist? Yes, his song was originally called ‘White Power Christmas’”
  • “How many hours would it take me to learn bass?”

Playlist: Summer Camp, Freebass, Slow Club and Duvall

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Favorite collab-bro-lator, Bevan McShea, and I are geared up for a sugarplum-flavored installment of Jazz Tactics. Join us for a night full of live art, music and Christmas wedgies.

Saturday, December 18th, 7:30 – 10:00 PM
MilkBoy Main Stage
2 E. Lancaster Ave. Ardmore, PA

Acrylic & Oil Stick on Canvas • 18″x24″ • Private Collection

My almost-3-year-old son and I almost collaborated on this piece without getting paint and oil stick almost all over the basement. Almost.

Ink on Paper • 9″x12″ • Private Collection

Positive/negative prints for a positive/negative world.

MilkBoy Acoustic

The sight of sound from last evening’s Sound & Vision opening reception.

Don’t forget (continue to ignore), December 3rd is the First Friday opening reception for Sound & Vision at MilkBoy Coffee Acoustic. Dozens of original collages, block prints and fine art photographs will be available for less than $81. Pop in and pick one up for your secretary or letter carrier… Baby Jesus would have wanted it that way.

Topics: The Pros and Cons of Parades, Best Music of 2010, The Soup, Zooey Deschanel is the Worst, Great TV of 2010, Beatles, Todd has Sick Voice, Conan Needs a Little Help, Community vs. Modern Family!, Andrew Bird Really Loves Whistling, Dumb Spitting Wrestlers, Good Comedians, Unemployed Sidekick, eMusic Blows and New Sherlock Holmes

Preview: “Parades? Firetruck, firetruck, tank, karate class… alright, done.”

Playlist: Whole Sky Monitor, Paper Bird, Versus, Bad Plus

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Acrylic on Cast • Arm-Sized • Private Collection

You know the old story: girl breaks thumb, girl gets cast, girl gets art teacher to paint a screaming worm on cast.

Acrylic on Shade • 28″x40″ • Private Collection

I painted on another one of those old-fangled roller blinds.

Ink on Paper • 12″x12″ • Now Showing

Formed during a recent printmaking course, this printet will be featured in an upcoming two-person gig. Read the rest of this entry »