Bundle of Joy & Chores

Name: Matilda Hall Marrone
Birthday: 4/23/10
Weight: 7 lbs. 3 oz.
Length: 19″
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Alignment: Chaotic Good


I can already tell that my daughter is going to look exactly like my wife.

Baby Baby Baby 1
Baby Baby Baby 2Baby Baby Baby 3Baby Baby Baby 4
Acrylic on Canvas • 48″x30″ • Commissioned Work

The good news is… your ol’ man made a painting of some of your favorite Sesame Street characters. The bad news… it’s for somebody else. Life is bitter sweet.

Rocco\'s First Painting
Rocco Paints 1Rocco Paints 2Rocco Paints 3

Visitors have recently been cyber-gushing over the Father’s Day gift that I presented my pop. While the kind words are much appreciated, that was (at best) the second greatest Father’s Day gift to change hands in our family.

My son, with the help of a crack team of studio assistants, created a painting for me. At five months old, he is already a better gift-giver and painter than I am.