Candice to the Rescue • Photo by Bruce Sheftel

This month’s Socrates Café was masterfully moderated by longtime participant, Candice. Handing over moderating duties was doubly delightful because it gave me the opportunity to be an overtly opinionated participant AND the confidence that the group will continue to thrive beyond my tenure.  This month’s question:

“I am reluctant to retire my shoes; is God the reluctance I experience?”

If the shoe fits…

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“Where are we and how do we know where that is?”

And you may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“Has mediocrity become the norm in the U.S.?”

Throw your best bell curveball.

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“Should the mind/thoughts determine religion/beliefs or should religion/beliefs determine the mind/thoughts?”

What do you think/believe?

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“How is one’s sense of self or identity determined?”

Who are you? Who, who, who, who?

Brooke Hoffman • The Philadelphia Examiner • June, 2010

Wanted: Willy Wonka is looking for his Charlie to lead philosophy/discussion group in coffee house setting once a month. Required skills include a love of art, new ideas, and an appreciation for stimulating conversation.

Local artist, Todd Marrone has been organizing Socrates Cafe for about three years and is currently looking for a partner in crime to help lead discussions and meetings. The concept of this discussion series stems from the book of the same name by Christopher Phillips who was a professor of philosophy. Phillips had become disgruntled about the state of how philosophy was being taught; he felt academic students were trained to regurgitate old ideas instead of developing new concepts of thought. He decided to travel across the country holding “Socrates Cafes” where people could come together and hold discussions. He went everywhere including bingo halls and prisons. The conversation’s jumping point would be an abstract question and everyone in attendance was welcomed comment. (more…)

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“What emphasis should we place on tradition in the formation of our values?”

Well, what type you?

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“Are violent sports, games and movies a cause of increased violence or a healthy outlet?”

Comment or I’ll kill you.

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“What makes someone intelligent?”

IQ, therefore I am.

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“Does the virtue of tolerance include being tolerant of viewpoints that you don’t agree with?”

Preply, ply, reply.