Computer Embellished Drawing

During a recent visit to a Philadelphia Craft Festival, I couldn’t help but notice the inordinate number of items featuring owls or octopi. Since they seem to be the animal darlings of the independent craft world, I whipped up this hybrid for Ghosticorn Apparel.

4 Responses to “Hooterpus”
  1. jeff says:

    awesome design. great colors.

  2. Chen Reichert says:

    yes! this is my dream come true. my love is so strong for both of these creatures and this solves the problem of who to give more attention to.

  3. Lisa Musick says:

    Love this design! Hope to see it in your Etsy shop soon!

  4. kristin says:

    I have a healthy fear of hooterpusses for obvious reasons. Thanks for the nightmares.