Acrylic & Oil Stick on Canvas • 30″x48″ • Private Collection

The black lines were painted live during a performance last Fall, the color was added recently, and less spectacularly, in my basement.

4 Responses to “Ralph”
  1. kristin says:

    I really like your after-painting. You somehow pull it all together. Had you not mentioned that color was painted after the fact, I would have been wandering believing a lie. Thanks for being honest.

  2. Orla Mejia says:

    looks like Rolph Harris who is an australian “entertainer” (very loose term) and was popular in Ireland when I was growing up…. too funny that you called it Ralph!

  3. Andrew Lee says:

    For some reason this reminds me a bit of you.

  4. Eric says:

    I was lucky enough to purchase “Ralph” at the Spring Cleaning event at Casciano Coffee Bar. I promise to give him a good home. Thanks, Todd!