This month’s Socrates Café question:

“How’d I get this way?”

Same as it ever was… same as it ever was…

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“Is guilt a valid or necessary emotion?”

If you don’t comment, I’ll be crushed.

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“What is the proper function of religion in society?”

Thanks to the small, but devoted, group who chose philosophy over the Phanatic.

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“What are the qualities that enhance or discourage seeing the world as it really is?”

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“If your core beliefs change over time, is that a sign of personal weakness or personal strength?”

Just in time for flip-flop season!

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“Are we facing dramatic changes in human communication?”

gr8 question, what do u think? c u soon.

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“Does our personal history control our view of right and wrong?”

Express ’em if you got ’em.

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“Can we hold two totally contradictory beliefs?”

Well, what type you?

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“Is any person inherently better than another?”

Chime away.

This month’s Socrates Café question:

“Are we facing a change in values?”

Special thanks to my lovely wife, Heather, for stepping up and stepping in as moderator while I was sick in bed. Philosophy must go on!